
Switch Up Your Morning Routine With These Granola Breakfast Ideas

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and we agree! Ensuring your first meal is delicious and nutritious starts the day off on a positive note and provides you with adequate fuel so you can conquer the world. If your go-to breakfast has become a little stale, try these granola breakfast ideas to wake you (and your tastebuds) up!

Rise and Shine: Fun Granola Breakfast Ideas

It goes without saying that we’re pretty big breakfast fans at Little Red Wagon Granola. In the name of all that is delicious, here are some options to satisfy your stomach and your tongue:

Citrusy Chia Pudding

Use the ratio of 2 tablespoons chia seeds to ½ cup milk to make your desired amount. Mix both ingredients in a mason jar with a tablespoon of maple syrup and shredded coconut. Place in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, your chia mixture should have a pudding consistency. Top it with a serving of our Cosmopolitan granola for a citrusy bite that compliments the tropical coconut.

Granola Butter Fruit Dip

Use our granola butter recipe with our Crunchy Monkey granola instead of mocha. Add 2 tablespoons of nut butter to the recipe list. Slice up some apples, bananas, or strawberries, and enjoy as a dip. The nutty warmth and hints of banana are a major upgrade from plain ol’ apple and peanut butter.


Mix 1 cup cottage cheese with ½ cup plain Greek yogurt. Add a touch of vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup before mixing again. If you want it to be ultra-smooth, blend for a minute on high. Set aside. In a food processor or blender, emulsify 1 to 2 cups of our Mocha granola with ½ tablespoon of coconut oil. Pour your cheesecake mixture into a bowl and top with the mocha granola “crust” for an indulgent, protein-packed breakfast.

Mix Up Some Magic With Little Red Wagon Granola

Part of our mission is to balance nutrition and comfort—because there’s no reason why the two can’t be mutually exclusive. That’s why our granola packs a flavorful punch as well as protein and complex carbohydrates. Find your balance with a Little Red Wagon variety pack from our online store, and try these granola breakfast ideas to take your meal times to the next level.

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