
Orange Cosmopolitan Smoothie For Hot Summer Days

Summer is in full swing and hopefully it affords you some time to escape the daily grind and have some fun adventures.  It’s a great time to cultivate joy whether it’s visiting with friends and family or traveling. Above all, we wish you a summer filled with joy, connection, and fun––and an Orange Cosmopolitan smoothie in hand! 

In North Carolina, we have had our share of days in the 90s and we assume temperatures are toasty where you live as well. Sometimes, you need a refreshing drink to cool off after adventuring or running errands. This Orange Cosmopolitan smoothie requires some planning (unless you have frozen oranges on hand), but is well worth it! The granola adds heartiness to the blend of fruit and milk. Plus, the frozen oranges mean you don’t need ice and you get a stronger citrus flavor. Try this refreshing smoothie on a hot summer day!


  • 4 mandarin oranges or 2 large oranges (frozen) 
  • 1 cup milk of choice (we love this one!)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 1/3 cup Cosmopolitan granola*
  • 1 tablespoons honey or your desired sweetener
  • Optional: whipped cream and granola for garnish


  1. Peel oranges and place them in the container of your choice in the freezer. Leaving it overnight is easiest, but a few hours should be sufficient.
  2. Add frozen oranges and milk into a blender and blend at medium speed.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of vanilla and honey (or desired sweetener) and blend lightly.
  4. Pour in Cosmo granola and blend at high speed until incorporated.
  5. After that, serve immediately and garnish with additional granola or whipped cream.

*Note: The ability to blend in the cranberries and nuts from the granola will depend on your blender. Avoid adding nuts and cranberries if you think your blender may have a challenging time with those ingredients.